Make sure that you are using over-the-counter
antibiotic ointments for at least three times every day and make sure that you
cover the tattoo with a bandage. This will protect your skin from infection
that you may acquire from the environment. After three days, you will have to
remove the bandage and expose your skin. You can expect the scabbing to last
for one to two weeks.
Do not be alarmed with blisters that may appear eight hours
after the laser treatment. The occurrence of blisters is an indication that
your immune system is starting to take the ink in your skin and the healing
process is taking place.
Do not ever pick the scabs, blisters or crust. For sure, you
do not want any scarring so make sure that you put your hands off to the area
that has undergone the laser treatment. You have to allow your skin to
naturally heal. The worse thing about peeling off the scab is that it can
result to infection and discoloration of the skin. Nobody wants that.
Avoid exposure to the sun but just in case you’re coming
out, make sure that you will be wearing sunscreen in order to protect your
skin. You can also wear long clothes that will cover the area. This is very
Do not wear make-ups on the area. This may irritate the
healing area so you have to be very careful on the stuffs that you apply on
your skin.
Do not allow high pulsating water to hit the treated area of
your skin. You must not also swim or soak in a bath tub until the scabs and
blisters are healed. The water that you’re using may contain a lot of harmful
bacteria that can cause infection and scarring.
Make sure that you always consult a dermatologist especially
when you are feeling any signs of discomfort.
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