Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Better Choice for Laser Treatment Tattoo Removal

Approximately 10% of Americans have some sort tattoo and 50% of them wishes to remove the markings in their body. This number opts for laser tattoo removal which is the current standard of care in the cosmetic industry. The new procedure would benefit patients with fewer side effects like leaving little to no scars at all. The laser removal will involve breaking up the pigment colors until they are absorbed by the body. This uses a high-intensity light beam which is directed on the site of the body with a tattoo.

Higher contrast or darker colors like black can be easily removed unlike green or purple colors. Removal techniques must be tailored appropriately to each patient since each tattoo is unique. There are tattoos with different colors and sizes. Other factors like the site of the tattoo in the body will also be considered. In the previous years, several tattoo removal techniques weren’t able to achieve the impressive results that laser treatment has. The number one issue after removal of the tattoos is the appearance of scars in the site. With the newer treatment brought about by laser, there is little to nearly absence of the scar after treatment sessions.

Patients who have undergone previous treatments with tattoo removal can still benefit with laser removal. Tattoos that have not respond well to previous treatments and home remedies can be readily addressed with the use of laser treatment. Laser treatments nearly occupy all tattoo removal in New York due to their effective and impressive results after some few treatment sessions. Choosing the right cosmetic surgery center for you will effectively address your need for a tattoo removal. The reputable dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon can be recommended by your family doctor or any licensed healthcare provider.

The number of treatment sessions will depend on the size and the characteristics of the tattoo to be removed. Larger tattoos may require a definite number of sessions as well as with tattoos with multiple colors. Usually, tattoo removal can be completed after two to four visits but may still need additional treatments depending on the situation. You may also schedule a consultation in which a trained professional will evaluate the patient’s situation will advise during the course of the treatment. Laser tattoo removal before and after is a great way for patients to get rid of their body markings without compromising their appearance after the treatment.

During a laser tattoo removal, protective eye shields are placed on the patient to prevent untoward effects of the procedure on the eyes. Skin’s reaction to the laser will also be tested to determine the right energy for the treatment session. Laser light will be activated on the area to be treated. After the treatment, ice pack will be applied to the area. The benefits of the new laser tattoo removal are impressive especially in terms of the appearance of the site after treatment. Cosmetic surgery centers like have comprehensive coverage on tattoo removal. You just have to choose the reputable cosmetic surgeon for your case.

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